Thursday, January 30, 2020

The elasticity of copper investigation Essay Example for Free

The elasticity of copper investigation Essay In my preliminary experiment I learned that I needed a wire which could withstand the weight of at least 1kg, but also would effectively extend enough to see the significant change. I decided to use the wires with a diameter of 0. 31mm and 0. 27mm. I also decided to use at least 1kg of weights because some parts of the wire may not be all the same so they could be thicker and hold more weight or thinner not take that much weight at all. I think the temperature will be almost the same always, so there is no need to worry about it. I will need to repeat the experiment twice for each wire for greater accuracy. Specialist Apparatus These are equipment, which make the experiments results more accurate and in turn the youngs modulus. Uncertainties I had uncertainties because, I could not control or keep constant the temperature, so the wire may have extended or contracted. To calculate the strain I had to measure very small extensions of less than 1mm, this was quite difficult, because I did not have specialist equipment to measure length so I had to rely on human decisions, which meant there were always going to be errors. I also had to calculate the stress, therefore I had to use a micrometer to measure the diameter of the wire. Analysis The table shows that more mass or Newtons means that there will be more extensions to the original length. To get youngs modulus I used y = mx+c so I could get an average of it for each ruler. I used the equation: stress over strain to get youngs modulus, which was the gradient in the graph. E. g. 4. 11E+03/5. 82E-04=7. 06E+06 To get the other equations, I used theory from secondary data, which is above in the background information. To get my results I used specialist equipment; such as the micrometer, which is accurate to 0.01 of a millimeter, the uncertainty is 0. 005mm. I also used a metre ruler with mm marking for accuracy, the uncertainty is 0. 5mm. The graphs show that stress is proportional to strain as the points are near the line of best fit, also going through the middle. My graphs show that stress is proportional to strain, also stress is proportional to force and strain is proportional to the extension. As you can see from my prediction I drew a graph of stress against strain and this is correct because as you can see from the real graph it basically follows the same curve. From my stress-force and strain-extension graphs I do not need to draw error gradients because they are so accurate and because their R2 value is very close to 1. Trend line: A graphic representation of trends in data series, such as a line sloping upwards to represent the average. Trend lines are used for the study of problems of predictions, also called regression analysis. R-squared value: An indicator from 0 to 1 that reveals how closely the estimated values for the trend line correspond to your actual data. A trend line is most reliable when its R-squared value is at 1 or near 1. It is also known as the coefficient of determination. Evaluation The uncertainty of the extension is 0. 01cm (0. 01/1. 7)*100 = 1. 7% The uncertainty of the length of wire is 0. 001m (0. 001/1. 760)*100 = 0. 05% The uncertainty of the diameter of the wire is 0. 01mm (0. 01/0. 31)*100 = 3. 1% To ensure I had a safe experiment I wore safety goggles, also setup the experiment in the centre of the table. I made sure that the clamp stand was firmly placed on the floor so that it wouldnt wobble and affect the results taken down. I tried to keep my eye level in line with the marker measurements to rule out parallax error. I took many results down to have accurate results and averaged them. The reason for the line of best fit not going through the origin there may have been due to systematic error. This may because there was friction on the pulley, to remedy this problem grease could be used. Also the ruler was not long enough for the whole wire to be measured so the 2 rulers may be disjointed, so to remedy this problem I would need a longer ruler. Also the taught wire may not be horizontal to the pulley when tied to the clamp so the wire is longer than it can be measured, to solve this problem I used a wooden block, but it wasnt enough. The main two measurements that contributed to youngs modulus were the diameter and the extensions as they were used to calculate the stress and strain. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Four Noble Truths :: essays research papers

I. Life is filled with suffering due to our desires to want things to be different. II. Self-centered craving causes the of suffering of imbalance. III. In order to bring an end to suffering one must bring an end to self-centered craving. IV. The way to cease craving is to follow the Eight Fold Path. 1. Right View See things as they truly are without delusions or distortions for all things change. Develop wisdom by knowing how things work, knowing oneself and others. 2. Right Intention Wholehearted resolution and dedication to overcoming the dislocation of self-centered craving through the development of loving kindness, empathy and compassion. 3. Right Speech Abstinence from lies and deceptions, backbiting, idle babble and abusive speech. Cultivate honesty and truthfulness; practice speech that is kind and benevolent. Let your words reflect your desire to help, not harm others. 4.Right Action Practice self-less conduct that reflects the highest statement of the life you want to live. Express conduct that is peaceful, honest and pure showing compassion for all beings. 5. Right Livelihood Avoidance of work that causes suffering to others or that makes a decent, virtuous life impossible. Do not engage in any occupation that opposes or distracts one from the path. Love and serve our world through your work. 6. Right Effort Seek to make the balance between the exertion of following the spiritual path and a moderate life that is not over-zealous. Work to develop more wholesome mind states, while gently striving to go deeper and live more fully. 7. Right Mindfulness Through constant vigilance in thought, speech and action seek to rid the mind of self-centered thoughts that separate and replace them with those that bind all beings together.

Monday, January 13, 2020

How Important Is the Study of Sociology Essay

The study of Sociology is important but the level of importance is debatable. Sociology is the study of the organisation human society and what problems come about within the society. It looks at who is affected and why they are affected. A prime example would be a married couple with children who then decide to divorce. Not only are the couple affected but so are the children. Why? The children would have to come to the harsh terms of their mother and father no longer living together, in some cases have to welcome a new family member or members, ‘the step parents or siblings’ They would have to adjust to new living conditions whether that be a new school or two different homes etc. Sociology questions why rules were put in place and why people choose to follow them. In some cases we look at what other people do and we ‘follow by example’. If there is a queue at the bus stop to wait for the bus, naturally we would go to the end of the queue and wait for the bus. Why? Some may say it’s out of respect, if the people were in the queue before me who am I to cut the queue. Another person may say that following simple rules has a positive effect on our living. If you’re able to follow simple rules then it may be easier for you to follow the bigger rules with strong consequences and this will enable you to teach others i.e. children. The term sociology was coined by French philosopher Auguste Comte in 1838, who for this reason is known as the â€Å"Father of Sociology.† He believed in the concept that the social world was based on scientific facts and with this people could build better future. For example, humans need food to survive and all the major supermarkets know this, therefore they come up ‘special offers’ and provide more organic options as ways to attract a larger audience. By studying sociology we are able to look the relationship between a man and society. A ‘celebrity or public figure’ is often highly scrutinized for their choices or lifestyle and this is because a lot is expected of them. This could be anything from the way they dress to even the way they walk/ talk and the mass media i.e. TV, Radio, Movies, Internet etc help us to form assumption of this person. As humans we are often cautious of the decisions we make as we don’t want to be the topic of discussion within the society. For example when we do something bad in school we may not want many people to know about it and that is because we are afraid of how we will be branded in society (the bad kids). But why should we be so afraid of something that we created ourselves. Realistically without us there would be no society as we are what form it. By studying sociology we are able to understand others cultures, customs, traditions etc within the society. This is very important to us as it helps us to gain insight into certain groups both minorities and majorities this prevents us from making assumptions about people and makes it easier for us to accept people. Often when controversial topics arise the media uses this as a way of branding a particular part of society very negatively and as humans we sometimes get sucked into this then we find it co-exist with one other. Many people fail to see the importance of sociology with the belief that it is simply common sense, this is false. Living in a society doesn’t necessarily mean you know everything about it. â€Å"People who like to avoid shocking discoveries, who prefer to believe that society is just what they were taught in Sunday School, who like the safety of the rules and maxims of what Alfred Schultz has called ‘the world-taken-for-granted’, should stay away from sociology† (Berger 1963, 24). Naturally when asked what we believe to the ideal structured society we would say something like ‘everyone would be employed’ ‘’everyone would have a home’ etc. But if someone were to say that crime played an essential part in this ideal structured society you may think this would be absurd. However sociologists have found that without the identification of crime and the punishments that go along with it then society really wouldn’t be structured. This is true because without both of those things mentioned then people wouldn’t know what type of behaviour is tolerable or intolerable. Therefore crime does play a part in an ideal structured society. Sociology appears to only look at groups and not individuals, this is not true. Sociologists believe that individuals can’t be understood without being aware of the society that they live in e.g. You walk down a dark alley late at night your pace will be faster than you walking down a high street in the middle of the day. This may be caused by a number of reasons, from a young age you’ve been taught that it’s dangerous to be out late at night. This is referred to as primary socialisation and is sourced by the family. It is our family. It is our family that shapes into the view of what we consider is ‘normal’. There are more witnesses on a high  street so you would feel a lot more confident and comfortable. Another continuously proven theory is that men and women have different roles and responsibilities. Men are shown to be in control of business’ and high in power i.e. the government. 52 out of the 53 Prime Ministers the UK has seen have all been male. In certain situations males behaviour may be said to be overlooked. Aggression and Loud behaviour is tolerated by the males. However females still assume the role as bringing up the children and caring for people. According to the Nursing Times only 1 in 10 nurses in the UK are male which would mean that women would dominate that role. This does support the theory that the differences between males and females are through socialisation and this helps boys to become men and girls to become women. Human culture has been enriched through the contribution of sociology. According to Lowie ‘most of us harbour the comfortable delusion that our way of doing things is the only sensible if not only possible one’. This means that Sociology has given us training to have rational approach to questions concerning oneself, one’s religion, customs, and morals. This gives us the confidence to be able to decide whether or not we choose to practice a religion or not. It has further taught us to be objective and critical. This means we are able to give constructive criticism to our peers. It enables man to have better understanding both of ourselves and of others. By comparative study of societies and groups other than his existence, our lives have more meaning. Sociology also impresses upon us the necessity of overcoming narrow personal prejudices, ambitions and class hatred. This allows us to accept others as equals. The fact that few Muslims have been found to be terrorists does not mean that all Muslims should be treated as beneath us and be subjected to ridicule. The study of sociology can help us to view things differently, things we view as negative we may begin to see the other side of. A prime example would be suicide which we would associate with somebody that has some psychological problems. Although, Durkheim revealed in sociological study into suicide that our surroundings play a part in us making that decision to commit suicide and this could be anything from our relationships with the church to the one with we have with our family. This to me means that society influences certain decisions we make without us even knowing. Also as Straus once said ‘Taking a sociological perspective requires that we look beyond our individual experiences to better understand everyday life’ (Straus 1994). This allows us to look beyond the ‘social expectations’ and we then begin to learn from our experiences. Sociology has played a big part in how the government makes decisions and how they form rules and regulations. In 2011, the government made the harsh decision to abolish Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) this meant students from the age of 16-18 would no longer be receiving a weekly allowance from the government. This decision affected each class of people, higher middle and lower. For lower class this may have meant they couldn’t help out at home with any necessary bills etc. For the middle and higher class they lost that extra bit of cash weekly. Sociology can be used as good teaching skills as Teachers can test students knowledge by reversing situations where they may need to apply their everyday knowledge which is an important skill to have. Bibliography

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Essay - 1190 Words

Short Summary Name Institution affiliation Cancer Over the years, cancer has proved to be a menace and a threat to livelihood. It is a class of diseases that have given doctors a hard time to manage. Cancer is characterized by cell growth that is out of control. The disease manifests itself in over 100 types, and each type is recognized with the type of cell it affected initially. The ugly aspect of cancer is that it causes wreckage to the body when cells divide uncontrollably when damaged and forms tumors (lumps of tissue). The case of leukemia is a bit different since cancer prohibits blood from functioning normally by anomalous cell division. When tumors grow, they can alter the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems and even instigate abnormal release of hormones that can make the body function differently. This paper examines the diagnosis and staging of cancer and discusses the complications and side effects of treatment of the disease. The paper will also explore the various methods of lessening physical an d psychological effects of cancer. Suspicion of cancer is based on symptoms and physical examination, which often prompt screening tests. However, hints on cancer invasion may result from x-rays performed on a person for injury and other abnormalities. Diagnostic tests are confirmatory to the presence of cancer and up[on diagnosis; it is staged. Cancer often stays in the body before signs show. Screening, therefore,Show MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Treatments1664 Words   |  7 Pagesdealing with cancer treatments now, slight flaws in our practice after therapy have been present; in doing so, patients have experienced personal and emotional discomfort after therapy. Addressing these issues can become informal to patients, as technology have made it easier for our daily procedures to become convenient. The underlining cause of some confusion is not the patients fault but lack of communication from the health care provider after. Therefore, introducing the drawbacks of cancer treatmentRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1175 Words   |  5 Pagesin the United States get cancer every year (Rosen). Cancer is an uncontrollable growth and division of cells throughout the body, and it is a deadly disease that affects many people. Every person is different, every type of cancer is different, and every treatment is different. One main treatment for cancer is chemotherapy. However, saying no to chemotherapy is becoming more frequent among cancer survivors. When choosing to receive or not to receive chemotherapy every cancer patient should keep anRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1528 Words   |  7 Pagestumors and cancer, has always looked at cancer and its treatment through a biological lens. Cancer is a disease that develops when cells abnormally divide and multiply without control (Depression and Cancer). The treatment of cancer includes, but is not limited to, chemotherapy. This treatment aims to shrink tumors that result from unnecess ary cells that keep dividing and multiplying. As chemotherapy only focuses on the biological treatment of cancer, the psychologically induced symptoms are left unattendedRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer888 Words   |  4 Pageslife-threatening diagnosis, such as cancer, has the potential to be an extremely stressful event and may have long-term effects. Depending on the diagnosis, many cancer patients may experience long-lasting, or chronic stress due to a variety of factors including receiving treatment, experiencing symptoms and side effects of treatment, waiting for test results, and learning that the cancer has recurred. Patients with cancer often report cancer-related posttraumatic stress (National Cancer Institute, 2012). AccordingRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer995 Words   |  4 Pageshundreds of types of cancers that are known of; anyone can get any kind of cancer. Cancer is an illness in where cells multiply nonstop. This multiplication of cells may lea d to death (Insel and Roth 279). Ewing s Sarcoma is a cancer that occurs in the bones which usually happens to younger people, but can still affect anyone. Tumors- an unusual growth in the body that can be cancerous- form on the bone. This is one of the most common bone cancers; however, not the most common cancer overall. It canRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1555 Words   |  7 PagesCancer is a disease that is caused when abnormal cells in the human body begin to divide uncontrollably. These abnormal, uncontrolled cells can then spread further into surrounding tissues, effectively harming them. Cancer is genetic, meaning there is a gene coded for this disease present that can be passed down through family. This does not mean, though, that one will be diagnosed with this disease if a family member had it and although it can be treated, cancer has the ability to return. WhenRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1432 Words   |  6 Pagesthe use of any kind of drug t o treat a disease, but today, it is most used in a cancer context. These drugs can also be known as cytotoxic (i.e. cell-killing) drugs or as antineoplastic (i.e. anti-cancer) drugs. But what is this complex disease called cancer? Cancer is a multi-step process mainly characterized by uncontrolled cellular growth and proliferation. Chemotherapy is very different from other cancer treatments, such as surgery or radiotherapy. One of the main reasons for this is, althoughRead MoreSymptoms And Treatments Of Cancer1148 Words   |  5 Pagesdeteriorating billions of bodies worldwide, Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the world. Sometimes going undetected, Cancer causes cells to divide uncontrollably and if gone undetected or if treatment fails, is extremely deadly to both humans and animals. Cancer can be located almost anywhere in the body and is able to spread everywhere if uncontained. The treatments most often used to treat Cancer are chemotherapy and radiation. Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses different medication and chemicalsRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1997 Words   |  8 PagesDocetaxel also sold as Taxotere or Docecad, is a settled threatening to mitotic chemotherapy pharmaceutical that works by intruding with cell division. Docetaxel is affirmed by the FDA for treatment of secretly advanced or metastatic chest infection, head and neck development, gastric tumor, hormone-adamant prostate danger and non small cell lung disease. It works by preventing the disease cells from isolating into 2 new cells, so it obstructs the development of tumor. Docetaxel ties to microtubulesRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1997 Words   |  8 PagesDocetaxel also sold as Taxotere or Docecad, is a settled threatening to mitotic chemotherapy pharmaceutical that works by intruding with cell division. Docetaxel is affirmed by the FDA for treatment of secretly advanced or metastatic chest infection, head and neck development, gastric tumor, hormone-adamant prostate danger and non small cell lung disease. It works by preventing the disease cells from isolating into 2 new cells, so it obstructs the development of tumor. Docetaxel ties to microtubules