Saturday, December 28, 2019

Psychological and Emotional Effects of Technology

A young girl wakes up early in the morning to get ready for school. Before she gets out of bed, she checks her Facebook with her phone that sits in its’ place on her night stand. In class, she checks if she has any text messages from her friends under the table, making sure her teacher does not catch her. When she gets home from school, she sits on her couch, surfing the internet for a few hours before finally starting her homework. When she is about to go to bed, she checks her Facebook once more. This time she sees a comment in a few of her photos. Someone she barely knows said a few mean things about her, and a few more people agree with the person. When she tries to shake it off, she cannot. She thinks about it and frets over the†¦show more content†¦This only accomplishes the opposite, keeping the isolated indoors and as socially inept as they were beforehand. Eric Weiser (2001) states in his article, â€Å"The Functions of Internet Use and Their Social and Psyc hological Consequences,† that â€Å"Internet use promotes social isolation and a disruption of genuine, meaningful social ties† (p. 724). Nevertheless, social ties and relationships in life are a healthy importance in many peoples lives, providing maybe an ear to listen or a hand to hold when times get rough. Being capable to go out an have fun with friends outside of the technology can aid a person in a healthy life, but many people still use technology as a crutch. People cannot learn social skills if they do not utilize them in face-to-face interactions with people can end up losing valuable friendships outside of their home if they spend a lot of time on the internet. Huang Chiungjung (2010) writes in his article â€Å"Internet Use and Psychological Well-being: A Meta-Analysis† that â€Å"Because online contacts are seen as superficial weak-tie relationships that lack feelings of affection and commitment, the Internet is believed to reduce the quality of ado lescents’ existing friendships and, thereby, their well-being† (p. 241). More-so, young people depend on technology when they are bored and alone, which only causesShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Texting709 Words   |  3 PagesYet, in the long run, the usual practice of texting can cause severe psychological, personal, and physical effects. A significant number of psychological disturbances in young people are due to texting and technology. The vast majority of young adults spend a decent number of hours on their smartphones texting, which leads them to develop anxiety, depression, and emotional disconnection. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Martin Luther King s Letter From A Birmingham Jail And...

Martin Luther King in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail and Richard Rodriguez in Blaxicans and Other Reinvented Americans expressed contrasting insights concerning certain aspects of the notions of diversity and differences, as well multiplicity and otherness as characteristic to the American society. However, they both proved to be strong proponents of assimilation model. The paper will analyze King’s and Rodriguez’s perspectives of political action, race, social division, and religion. It will argue that the authors shared the deep Enlightenment based ideas, as well as advocated the concept of the melting pot Americanization, while emphasizing the creative role of minority. Trying to completely rethink the old historical experience and comprehend a model of a new society, both authors habitually derived their insights from the sacred approaches of Enlightenment era. They perceived the latter as a single point of reference that was significant on a national scale. King’s letter most notably expressed this by its paradoxical negating-continuity fervor. Rodriguez, in turn, can be said to have largely revised King’s ideas in connection with his own attempts to rethink the importance of major national statutes and the previously unquestioned ideas. In this regard, King urged for a non-violent action as a best hope to achieve human progress, while recognizing social stagnation as the only plausible outcome of the effortless faith in the capacity of time to serve as aShow MoreRelatedPHL 612: Philosophy of Law5882 Words   |  24 PagesRYERSON UNIVERSITY Department of Philosophy Course No. PHL 612: Philosophy of Law Winter 2014 SECTION ONE (011) Instructor(s): Alex Wellington Office: Room 428, Jorgenson Hall* Phone: 979-5000 ext. 4057 (E-mail address)**: OR Office Hours Posted: Wednesdays at 2:10 pm, By Appointment Wednesdays at 3:10 pm and at 4:10 pm, Drop In Time Thursdays at 3:10 pm, By Appointment *Other times may be available by appointment Website:Read MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesFraser University v Acknowledgments For the 1993 edition: The following friends and colleagues deserve thanks for their help and encouragement with this project: Clifford Anderson, Hellan Roth Dowden, Louise Dowden, Robert Foreman, Richard Gould, Kenneth King, Marjorie Lee, Elizabeth Perry, Heidi Wackerli, Perry Weddle, Tiffany Whetstone, and the following reviewers: David Adams, California State Polytechnic University; Stanley Baronett, Jr., University of Nevada-Las Vegas; Shirley J. Bell

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Essay About Technology Example For Students

Essay About Technology BackgroundThe Technology Needs Survey (TNS) software program developed at HSC/XRE was originally intended to provide a convenient vehicle by which the offices engineers and scientists could enter and edit environmental, safety and occupational health (ESOH) needs data into a database. The program provided an interface that allowed the user to answer, or revise answers, to questions regarding the nature of the ESOH technology needs of the customer. The database was originally installed on a local area network (LAN) shared by the technical members of the HSC/XRE office. The data in the database was used, in part, to rank the severity, impact and importance of technology needs throughout the Air Force. HSC/XRE performed substantial analysis on the data prior to its presentation to the ESOH TPIPT, Air Staff and others. Consequently, the database itself became a dumping ground for temporary tables, queries and reports that were generated on the fly over time. The structure of the underlying database is simple, as shown in Figure 1. The numerous queries, reports and tables that are antidotal artifacts in the database are distractions to the underlying structure, and should be removed. Creation of the Tri-Service TNS Database for FY97The source data for the FY97 Tri-Service TNS database came from four sources:US Navy, by way of four MS WORD documents (segmented by pillar)US Army, by way of a TNS database that had been exported from a version of the software modified by the US Army and/or their contractorsUSAF FY96 TNS database last years USAF database, with needs updated as requiredUSAF FY97 TNS database current years new USAF technology, policy and training needsThe tasking from the HSC/XRE office was to consolidate the four data sources into a single database and provide it to representatives of the Joint Engineering Management Panel (JEMP) on or before 31 Dec, 1996. Such a database would be known as the Tri-Service TNS Database for FY97. Technical IssuesThe USAF FY97 database was considered the target into which the other three data sets were to be consolidated. At this point in time (Dec, 1996), the FY97 database still contained T-numbers, rather than Tag integers. It appeared that there were printing difficulties with T-numbers in the Tag field, so they were removed, and added as a prefix to the need Title. In their place, sequential integers, beginning with 3000, were placed in the Tag field. Next, the Navy needs, which consisted of 807 needs in four word documents, were manually added to the FY97 database using the TNS software. This was a two man-day effort by a program support individual. All attempts to successfully print all US Army needs failed. Most needs contained a data value that exceeded TNSs a single print page. A bug in TNS causes the first page to be printed OK; then, subsequent lines are printed, one per page. It was decided that the US Army database would be provided to the government as-is, with a suggestion that the government obtain the US Armys TNS version to see if the bug had been fixed by the Army. The final step was to export the USAF FY96 TNS database, and import it into the FY97 database. This presented something called the Match Table Problem.The Match table in TNS contains three columns the need number, a category, and a pointer. Depending upon the category, the category would represent a unique primary POC, technical POC, potential user, regulation or contaminant. These pointers are not uniquely generated; therefore, a primary POC with a pointer of 4254 might point to Smith in the FY96 database, while a primary POC with a pointer of 4254 might point to Jones in the FY97 database. The same corruption was possible for regulations and contaminants, as well. .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 , .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .postImageUrl , .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 , .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87:hover , .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87:visited , .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87:active { border:0!important; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87:active , .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87 .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u52077cd5ce8d0104df521643b1d10b87:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Scientific study of language EssayTo resolve this problem, it was determined that the set of pointers in the FY97 database did not exceed 5000 for POC, regulations and contaminants. Consequently, the pointers in the Match table of the FY96 database were incremented by 5000, as were their corresponding targets in the POC, Regulation and Contamination tables. This assured that there would be no overlap between the two databases. The FY96 database was imported successfully into the FY97 database.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Sylvia Plath Research Paper free essay sample

As Emily Dickinson once said, â€Å"People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles. † Sylvia Plath foreshadowed many different things in her poetry that reflect the difficult experiences she endured in life. Her father’s death and her husband’s abandonment influenced her writing in several different of her poems. Plath’s suicidal tendencies and the deep depressions she suffered also led to some of her darkest and more cynical poems. Her work is known for the violent imagery credited to some of her most questionable times in life. Although Sylvia Plath experienced a hard life full of suicidal thoughts, these unbearable times ultimately led to her most famous poetry today. Plath was born into a Massachusetts home on October 27, 1932 to a highly academic couple. When she was only eight years old her father died of diabetes. When Plath was 21 years old, she went through a serious depression and attempted suicide. We will write a custom essay sample on Sylvia Plath Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Soon after, she met Ted Hughes, an English poet, and married him in 1956 (â€Å"Sylvia Plath† 1). The last and final time Sylvia would suffer from depression was in the worst winter of the century in 1963. Her suicide attempt, in February, was successful due to the use of a gas oven (Wagner-Martin 2). â€Å"One cannot clearly distinguish the traumas she experienced from those she constructed in print† (Axelrod 1). As the professor from the University of California Riverside says, Plath’s poems show anguish like none other of her time period. She was a contemporary writer whose poems followed the mentoring of Robert Lowell and Anne Sexton. She took great pride in her writing although her greatest poems were the aftermath of a horrible time for her. â€Å"For Plath, the most important things were always those she created: her poems, her children† (Kinsey-Clinton 5). Sylvia’s difficult life and the things she went through contributed to the remarkable poetry she is now recognized for. â€Å"His death drastically defined her relationships and her poems- most notably in her elegiac and infamous poem, ‘Daddy’† (â€Å"Sylvia Plath† 1). First, Sylvia Plath had a complicated relationship with her father and expressed her resentment towards his death in some of her poems. â€Å"They always knew it was you. / Daddy, daddy, you bastard, Im through. † This final line to Sylvia Plath’s poem, â€Å"Daddy†, shows her anguish and hatred towards her father even after his long-ago death. One can blatantly see all throughout this poem that Plath is expressing intense emotions towards her father’s life and death but finally comes to terms with him in the end. She was also illustrating her feelings of resentment towards her husband with her harsh and vivid words. (â€Å"Analysis of Sylvia Plath’s ‘Daddy’† 1). The poem â€Å"Daddy† exemplifies the pain that was stored and built up in Sylvia’s childhood. When she first heard of her father’s death, she proclaimed, â€Å"I will never speak to God again†. Sylvia believed her father could have prevented his death but instead stood by and did nothing (Wagner-Martin 67). In another poem, â€Å"Electra on Azalea Path† she describes her first visit to her father’s grave and the affect it had on her own life in a poetic manner. â€Å"I brought my love to bear, and then you died. / It was the gangrene ate you to the bone / My mother said: you died like any man. / How shall I age into that state of mind? † These four lines are from the end of Plath’s poem â€Å"Electra on Azalea Path† and represent the hard time she is having accepting his death. Sylvia Plath’s father’s death took a toll on her mental state, but overall helped her beautiful style of writing. Next, her husband, Ted Hughes’s, abandonment provided an excellent source of anger for Plath’s book of poetry, Ariel. â€Å"Ted Hughes left Plath and in that winter, in a deep depression, Plath wrote most of the poems that would comprise her most famous book† (â€Å"Sylvia Plath† 1). After he left her, she wrote 40 poems of rage and vengeance in less than two months. The poems that composed Ariel have been primarily responsible for Plath’s after-death fame (Stevenson 2). Sylvia expressed herself through increasingly angry and powerful poems. Poems such as, â€Å"Lady Lazarus†, â€Å"Ariel†, and â€Å"Death Company† are all great examples of her lonely and fuming feelings. In the poem, â€Å"Lady Lazarus†, Sylvia Plath ends it with these line; â€Å"Out of the ash / I rise with my red hair / And I eat men like air†. Once again, her feeling of neglect and let down by her husband are illustrated in her descriptive word choice and interesting rhyme scheme. â€Å"Lady Lazarus† is a poem about her love-hate relationship with death and the agony she went through during the end of her marriage. Sylvia Plath struggled with many aspects of her personal life and love life. Due to her husband’s desertion, Plath created very powerful poems that will be remembered throughout time as some of her best work. Lastly, the major influence on Sylvia Plath’s writing was her periods of depression and suicidal thoughts. The first battle of deep depression she faced was in college, however, she luckily made it through, and graduated summa cum laude in 1955 (â€Å"Sylvia Plath† 1). However, her next period of depression was fatal. Most of Plath’s poetry is dark and violent. The tone in many of her poems reflects her suicidal feelings and hopeless fears. For instance, in the poem â€Å"Mirror†, by Sylvia Plath, the theme of the fear of aging is present within each line. â€Å"In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman / Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish. † Also, it is not a coincidence that Plath died young; just as the character she portrays would rather die young and be young forever than watch herself age. The parallels between the poem and Plath’s life are easily noted. For instance, Plath’s suicidal attempt at 21, and dying young, both show that she was afraid of aging. Also, the person in Plath’s poem â€Å"Mirror† was unsatisfied with herself and her life, just as Sylvia Plath was. A well-written poem that resulted from Plath’s suicidal depression is â€Å"Nick and the Candlestick†. It is a very sad poem written to her son about maternal love using nature imagery and loving, flowing words (Stevenson 2). Although most of Plath’s poems are violent and angry, this poem shows the variety of poetry to come out of her depression. The combination and collection of Sylvia Plath’s poems contained an underlying tone of rage and rebellion. â€Å"Plath’s forthright language speaks loudly about the anger of being both betrayed and powerless† (Wagner-Martin, 2). The many difficult things she underwent changed her poems and made her famous. Her poetry often reflects the painful times she experienced; such as, her father’s death at a young age, her husband leaving her with two infants, and her own battles with depression. Also, the issues in Plath’s life gave her grounds for writing very good, deep, and angry poems that will be remembered forever. The depressing factors added to the meanings of her poems and the underlying tone in them. Because of Plath’s not-so-perfect family and home life, it made for very well-written poetry. Towards the final days of her life, Plath wrote â€Å"Twelve final poems shortly before her death that defined a nihilistic metaphysic from which death provided the only escape† (Stevenson 2). As one can see, Sylvia Plath wrote poems to escape from her problematic life and expressed most of her feelings through her dark poems. Due to her sad experiences, she wrote poems that reflected her suicidal tendencies and, eventually, became famous.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Fatwa Islam and Political Islam Essay

Fatwa Islam and Political Islam Essay Fatwa: Islam and Political Islam Essay Colvin Greenberg Book response Pià ±ar, Section AB May 30, 2015 Fatwas aren’t political! From a young age us â€Å"westerners† have been ingrained with perceptions about the Muslim world, due to the politics of the Muslim majority countries and the media representation of said countries. All to often the US media focuses on Huntington’s clash of civilizations, an argument that the world is involved in a war between religions, and all Islamic followers are opponents to the secular west. This is evident in their sole publication of stories relating to political Islam and the terrorist activities that often arise from this political Islam. In Karima Bennoune’s book, â€Å"Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here† we see a different perspective on both political Islam and the actual Islamic religion. This book has a number of anecdotes describing the Islamic struggle between religious followers of Islam, and the Islamic fundamentalists, who use Islam as a political tool rather than a religious ideology. By seeing this struggle between the true tenants of Is lam and the Islamism political followers we can divert from Huntington’s clash of civilizations theory and begin to understand possible solutions to the political Islam problem. In her book, Bennoune describes how these Islamist fundamentalists use the fatwas of Islam â€Å"in the context of globalization in order to manipulate religion and achieve their political aims (14)†. This book focuses on how to combat fundamentalism in a number of ways by rejecting the clash of civilizations theory that misinterprets Islam and focusing on fundamental Islam as the main issue. In a modern context we need to focus on secularity, feminism, education reform and media reform in order to curb post-colonial fueled fundamental Islam. In Bennounes book, she describes possible solutions to Islamic fundamentalists through a series of anecdotes. In one of these anecdotes, Bennoune explains the cause of fundamentalist support from the west, â€Å"In someplace, the failure to solve basic problems of â€Å"economic justice, democracy, human dignity, and legitimate grievances like past colonialism and current military occupation, contributed to creating fertile ground for its project to gain adherents.( Bennoune 25)† . This shows a justification for fundamentalism, which she uses to dissect and evaluate the problem .By analyzing the root cause for the fundamentalists occupation she can find the solution to the fundamentalist problems within the Middle East. Due to the political context of fundamentalist Islam, Bennoune describes one of the political problems that is a result of fundamentalism â€Å"secularism has been rubbed out by terrorizing dissenters†(Bennoune 91). She uses this diction â€Å"terroriz ing dissenters† to describe fundamentalist who according to Bennoune are going against the true tenants of Islam. Additionally the political context of the word secularity and its description in her book highlights the necessity of re-secularization to destroy fundamentalism. The main stereotypes of Islam are due to political Islam frequently a result of the subjugation of women in Islamist societies in accordance with some Sharia law. Bennoune stresses the importance of women within the movement to curb fundamental Islam and it’s marginalization of women. â€Å"Women of Muslim heritage are under pressure to cover more and more of their skin, their hair, their very beings. To disappear.(Benoune 8)†. This description could be described as orientalist due to the fact many women wear the hijab with pride, but in the context of political Islam it is very true. Bennoune looks at the oppression of women as one of the roots to the fundamentalist problem and again a hint to a solution. In addition she stresses the need for increased education in both the school systems and media outlets of these fundamentalist regimes. â€Å"Misinformed children grow up to be misinformed adults (Bennoune 84)† , this statement highlights the need for revised curriculum and accurate

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Two Page Overview of Three Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two Page Overview of Three Companies - Essay Example The first real bookstore of Barnes & Noble was actually opened by Charles’ son named William who partnered with a gentleman named Clifford Noble thus the origin of the name Barnes & Noble. The bookstore was opened in the year 1917 in New York City, and has grown to the illustrious business it is now over the years. Barnes & Noble is known for its upscale retail shops that are usually accompanied with cafes serving starbucks coffee among other products. Although it is officially known as a retail bookstore, this is not the only product that they have to offer, and one can find other items such as magazines, comics, newspapers as well as music within the store’s retail outlets. The company currently has over 600 stores under its flagship up to date excluding the over 600 college stores it operates as well (Barnes & Noble Inc). is a multinational company that operates through electric commerce through its website that has been popularized around the world. It is believed to be the largest online business in the world and has a consumer base that is located all over the world. It headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington and it sells a large number of items on its online stores. Since it is an online retail store, its expansion cannot be seen on a physical scale but can be pointed out through the different retail websites that it has developed for different countries such as Canada, Italy, Germany, and the United States among others. It also has plans to set up separate online retail stores for more countries including Brazil, Sweden and the Netherlands. The company was founded by a man call Jeff Bezos in the year 1994, but it was released onto the website community as in 1995. The company sells everything from electronic products, toys, books to name but a few and has recently b egan producing its own electronic products such as the Kindle e book reader and tablet computer known as Kindle Fire.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theoretical concepts of Risk Management in relation to projects Coursework

Theoretical concepts of Risk Management in relation to projects - Coursework Example Thus, the study is focused on presenting a view on risk management. Objectives of the Study The risk management is necessary to be able to survive and plan the different problems and trials facing the organisations. The study is aimed to review the theoretical concepts of risk management specifically related to projects and practical implementation of strategies, plans and procedures. In addition, relevant corporate governance aspects of organisations are also included. Included in the specific topics covered in the research are the key challenges and applications in risk management, risks associated in research and development, risks in new product development, change management, technology transfer, and system integration of technology and the manpower. The needs for team working skills appropriate to risk management and the methods for formulating risk management strategies such as project risk models, migration, and contingency plans for appropriate action. Background of the Stud y Risk is the â€Å"combination of the probability of an event and the consequences which can either be beneficial or detrimental to the organisation or particular project. Due to the implications of the risks involved, the need to prepare for the risks is essential (Institute of Risk Management, 2002, p.2). Risks are inevitable in any type of activities, projects or organisational operation, thus, methods and techniques in recognising, resolving and working the risk as opportunities and chances of growth and excellence are being established (Loosemore and Raftery, 2006, p.1). One example of risks considered is in the safety field wherein the main concentration is the preparation for the negative risks to be able to ensure safety (Institute of Risk Management, 2002, p.2). The risks can affect different aspects of an organisation or project including physical, monetary, cultural, and social dimensions (Loosemore and Raftery, 2006, p.1). In addition to the complex effects of risk tha t serves as stimulus for action undertaken by organisations, risk can either serve as threat or opportunity which lead to essential benefits such as exploits more opportunities, enables trade-offs, increases the chances of success, sustains creative exploration and innovation, increases efficiency, and promotes motivation within teams (Hillson, 2009, p.9). There are different types of key risks that can affect risk management. These can be classified into the external and internal factors that are categorised as financial risks, strategic risks, operational risks and hazard risks. External financial risks are composed of factors related to interest rates, foreign exchange, and credit. External strategic risks include competition, customer or stakeholder changes, industry changes, customer or stakeholder demand, and M & A integration, which is also an internally driven risk. External operational risks include factor such as regulations, culture, board composition, and the recruitment and supply chain which are also considered as internally driven risk factors. Contracts, natural events, suppliers, and factors related to the environment are classified as the externally driven hazard risks. Other types of external hazard risks are the public access, employees, properties, product and services which are also classified as internally

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Destruction of the Berlin Wall Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Destruction of the Berlin Wall - Coursework Example The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 in an attempt to prevent the crà ¨me da crà ¨me of East Germany from going to West Germany. It was built post World War II and inaugurated on the 16th August of the same year. The eastern sector of Berlin was under the control of the Soviet Union and the western sector under United States, France and Great Britain. Technically and officially East Germany also known as German Democratic Republic (GDR) was a communist state. It existed for around forty one years under Soviet control spanning it through the 1949-1990 eras. Soviet sector constituted all the major hubs including Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg, and Lichtenberg; it was also the biggest o the spot and the whole idea was to prevent an imminent brain drain, departure of well educated talented elite from east Germany. It also aimed at keeping at bay various spy centers and other organizations from intruding.It was then when a threat of yet another Great Dep ression engulfed Europe and Germany constituted the league of those severely affected.   A majority of German city had been effaced while the transportation system remained shanty. Seldomly, refugees from the East would be seen moving to the west in search of a sound society ready to work for some measly money in this bid. In what many perceive as a rare move, the allied victors sought to rehabilitate and rebuild the destructed cities. The move aimed at assuaging the economic crisis and was popularly called the Marshall Plan.... It existed for around forty one years under Soviet control spanning it through the 1949-1990 eras. Soviet sector constituted all the major hubs including Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg, and Lichtenberg; it was also the biggest o the spot and the whole idea was to prevent an imminent brain drain, departure of well educated talented elite from east Germany. It also aimed at keeping at bay various spy centers and other organizations from intruding. It was then when a threat of yet another Great Depression engulfed Europe and Germany constituted the league of those severely affected. A majority of German city had been effaced while the transportation system remained shanty. Seldomly, refugees from the East would be seen moving to the west in search of a sound society ready to work for some measly money in this bid. In what many perceive as a rare move, the allied victors sought to rehabilitate and rebuild the destructed cities. The move aimed at assuaging the economic crisis and was popularly called the Marshall Plan. It was named after the then U.S Secretary of State George C. Marshall, the first one to make the call for the reconstruction of Europe apparently. His successful strategy later earned him the Nobel Peace Prize. (Harrison) In another move, on July 1958, the East Germany Congress announced all agricultural products be collected and distributed at whole sale prices. The move aimed at improving industrial output and formed the basis of the seven year economic stimulus which was originally meant to bring the PPC of East Germany at par with that of West Germany. The plan also severed trade and gas supply routes behind the Iron Curtain and the situation become even worse. The policies in the East could not

Friday, November 15, 2019

Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies

Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies Abstract Cloud is the buzzword among computational technologies. It has brought a paradigm shift in a way computing is done and data is stored. This cost-effective means of technology has attracted a lot of people towards it and companies are embracing cloud to reduce their operational costs. As grows the popularity so will the challenges. One of the foremost challenges is Fault Tolerance. Fault Tolerance ensures the availability, reliability, and performance of the cloud applications. This paper is mainly focused on the Reactive fault tolerance strategies. Firstly, the paper outlines various faults, errors, and failures in the Cloud Computing scenario. Then, various prevalent reactive fault tolerance strategies are discussed. Lastly, a comparative analysis is done to better understand the application of the discussed strategies. I. Introduction Cloud-Computing is gaining traction due II. Faults, Errors, and Failures 2.1 Faults. Fault is the cause of the system or a component in the system to fail. Faults induce errors into system which hinders the ability of any system to perform as expected and give desired results. An erroneous system ultimately leads towards failure. Fault tolerance is the ability of the system to keep going in presence of one or more faults but with decaying performance. We must thoroughly classify and analyze various kinds of faults, errors, and failures to come up with sound Fault-Tolerance Strategies.   Faults in Cloud Computing environment can be classified as follows. Aging related fault As time passes, these faults show up into the system. These can be further categorized into two types namely Software based aging and Hardware based aging. Once the software starts execution, there is an accumulation of software bugs in the system. Furthermore, the decaying performance of the system hardware makes the system incapable to perform to its requirements. Omission fault This kind of faults occur when the resources in the system dry up and eventually the ongoing processes end up falling short of the resources in terms of storage capacity and computing power. Omission faults are mainly of two types i.e. Denial of Service, where the attacker tries to make the resources unavailable to its intended users by overwhelming the system with too many superfluous requests.   The other type is Disk Space Full, in which the amount of free space required by the applications is no longer available, this leads to node failure? Response faults. Response faults occur when the server gives an incorrect response to a query made by the user. This is further classified into 3 types. Value Faults-If faults at an application level or at lower level in the system are not managed properly, this can cause the individual application or the processor to emit an incorrect value. Byzantine faults- This fault attributes to the erratic behavior of the processor when it gets corrupted. The processor has not stopped working but the results are not predictable. State transition faults- When systems change their states, this kind of fault surfaces. Timing Faults. Synchronization is a key factor when it comes to execution of tasks in a distributed computing ecosystem. There should be time constraints for communication and execution of tasks by the processor. Faults which arise due to poor synchronization are called Timing faults. If the communication or the task execution begins early, then it is called Early fault. If the processor takes a lot of time to execute the tasks and this results in undesirable delay in the communication, then it is called Late fault. Interaction Faults. As the number of services grow in the system along with its complexity, the interaction between the services also increases. This may cause faults which occur due to Policy and Security incompatibilities. Various service providers have different policies and different security protocols. Life Cycle Faults. The service time of an application may expire when a user is trying to use that application. User cannot further access it unless the service becomes active again. This is called as Life Cycle fault or Service expiry fault. 2.2 Errors. Error is the difference between the expected output and the actual output of a system. A system is said to perform erroneously when it starts behaving in a manner that is against its specification and compliance. To study the nature of errors in a cloud computing scenario, a few of them have been listed below. Network Errors. Cloud is a network of remote servers. Hence, we may observe a lot of errors in the nodes and the links which connect these servers.   This kind of errors are called as Network Errors. Mainly network errors can be in the form of three types. Packet Corruption-   As a packet moves from one node to another and traverses across various links, there is a fair amount of chance that it might get corrupted due to the system noise. Packet corruption tweaks the original information and might sometimes go unnoticed.? Packet Loss- If a packet fails to reach its destination, this leads to Packet Loss. The main causes of packet failure are link congestion, device failure, (router/switch) and, faulty cabling. Network Congestion- When the traffic This issue is encountered due to low bandwidth. When the flow of traffic increases on a single path, this may also create network congestion. This issue is very important as it determines the Quality of Service(QoS). Software Errors. Software errors are broadly categorized as memory leaks and numerical exceptions. Memory Leaks- When there is a bug in the software wherein the application uses huge memory to perform the task but the memory, which is no longer needed, is not freed upon the completion of the task. Numerical Exception-A software does a lot of numerical computations which are required by the applications. The applications might sometimes generate issues due to some numerical conversions which raise exceptions. If these exceptions remain unhandled then errors persist in the system. Time Based Errors. These errors arise when applications do not complete their task execution in a time bounded manner. This can be subdivided into three types. Transient Errors- the probability of occurrence is very less. Intermittent Errors- The pattern of these errors is sporadic but observed many number of times. Permanent Errors- These occur more number of times with a deterministic pattern. 2.3 Failures. As said earlier, failures result due to errors. If a system does not achieve its intended objective, then its in a state of failure. Several things can go wrong in a system and yet the system may produce desired results. Until the system produces wrong output, there is no failure?4 To study the nature of failures, following is the list of failures. Node Failure. In distributed systems, such as cloud computing, we see that sometimes resources and nodes are dynamically added to the system. This brings along a lot of uncertainties and the chances of node failure increase. Reliability and availability are the major criteria for nodes to be adjudged as functioning properly. Node failure occurs if a node is not available at any time a node is not present in the system to perform tasks(unavailable) or produces errors while doing computations. Process Failure. Process failure occurs when a process is unable to place the messages into the communication channel and transmit it or a processs algorithm is unable to retrieve messages from the communication channel? Network Failure. Network failures are very serious issues with regards to cloud computing. There is no communication without a network. Network failures occur when there is a link failure, network device failures such as routers and switches, configuration changes in a network. Configuration change or a change in policy of a machine will cause problems to the applications using the resources of that machine and this problem is most likely reason for a network failure.? Host Failure. A host is a computer that communicates with other computers on the network. In the scope of Cloud Computing, hosts are servers/clients that send/receive data. Whenever a host fails to send the requested data due to crashes, host failure occurs. Application Failure. Cloud applications are the software codes that run on cloud. Whenever bugs develop in the codes, application fails to fulfil its intended objective. The errors caused due to this leads to Application Failure. # cloud endure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3. Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies. Fault Tolerance Strategies in Cloud Computing are of two types, namely, Proactive, and Reactive. Proactive Fault Tolerance Strategies are those techniques which help in anticipating faults and provides preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of faults.   Here, the faulty components in the system are identified and replaced with operational ones. Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies, are the techniques used to effectively troubleshoot a system upon occurrence of failure(s). Various reactive fault tolerance strategies are discussed below. 3.1 Checkpointing. In Checkpointing, the system state is saved and stored in the form of checkpoints. This taking is both preventive and reactive. Whenever a system fails, it rolls back to the most recent checkpoint. This is a popular fault tolerance technique and placing the checkpoints at appropriate intervals is very important. Full Checkpointing. Complete state of the application in saved and stored at regular intervals. The drawback of full checkpointing is that it needs a lot of time to save and requires huge chunk of storage-space to save the state. Incremental Checkpointing. This is an improvement over the full checkpointing. This method performs full checkpointing initially and thereafter only the modified pages of information from the previous checkpoint are stored. This is much faster and reliable than full checkpointing. Optimized Checkpoint/Restart. The crux of checkpointing lies in how we space our checkpoints. Good number of checkpoints ensure that the application is resilient to failure. However, this comes at the cost of time, space, and causes a lot of overhead. On the other hand, having less number of checkpoints makes our application vulnerable to faults thereby causing failure. It has been seen that cloud tasks are typically smaller than the grid jobs and hence more time sensitive to the checkpointing/restart cost.? Also, characterizing the failures in the cloud tasks using a failure probability distribution function will be inaccurate as the task lengths in cloud tasks depend on the user priority too.? This technique aims at bettering the performance of Checkpointing technique in threefold approach. Firstly, optimize the number of checkpoints for each task. Secondly, as the priority of the task may change during its execution, a dynamic mechanism must be designed to tune the optimal solution in the first step. Thirdly, find a proper tradeoff between local disks and shared disks to store the checkpoints.   The optimal number of checkpoints is calculated by evenly spreading the checkpoints during the execution of the task. The calculation is done without modelling the failures using a failure probability distribution function. A key observation that we make during the execution of cloud tasks is the tasks with higher priority have longer uninterrupted execution lengths in comparison with low-priority tasks. Hence the solution needs to be more adaptive considering the priority of the tasks. Mere equal spacing of the checkpoints will not do in this case. If the priority of the task remains unchanged the Mean Number of Failures(MNOF) remains the same. The position of the next checkpoint needs to be recalculated and its position needs to be changed if the priority factor that influences the MNOF changes during the execution of the task. Lastly, the problem of where to store the checkpoints is addresse d. The checkpointing costs for both local disks and shared disk is calculated and then based upon the costs an efficient choice is made. It is noticed that, as the memory size of the tasks increase, the checkpointing costs also increase. Also, when multiple checkpointing is done, in the local disks, there is no significant increase in the costs, but owing to congestion, there is a significant rise in checkpointing costs. Hence, a distributively-managed algorithm is designed to mitigate the bottleneck problem and lower the checkpointing costs. 3.2 Retry. Simplest of all the fault tolerance techniques. The task is restarted on the same resource upon occurrence of the problem. The underlying assumption behind this approach is that during the subsequent attempts, the problem will not show up.? 3.3 Task Resubmission. A job consists of several small tasks. When one of the tasks is failed, the entire job gets affected. In this technique, the failed task is resubmitted either to the same resource or a different one to finish the execution of the task. 3.4 Replication. Running the same task on several machines which are different locations. This is done to ensure that when a machine fails, the process of task execution is not halted as the other machine takes it up. Replication is further categorized as follows. Semi-active Replication. The input is provided to all the replica machines. The task execution simultaneously goes on in the primary replica as well as the backup replica. However, the primary replica only provides the output. When the primary replica goes down, the backup replica provides output.   This technique uses a lot of network resources as the task is running in simultaneously in all the replicas. VMware uses Semi-active replication Fault Tolerance Strategy. [4.] Semi-passive Replication. This technique has a flavor of checkpointing in addition to replication. The main replica performs the checkpointing operation over the state information. Replication is done by transferring this checkpoint information to all the backup replicas. The backup machines dont have to concurrently execute the task with the primary replica, but its duty is to save the latest checkpoint information. When the primary replica fails, it designates the backup replica to takeover. The checkpoint information is updated with some loss in the execution. This technique uses lesser network resources than the semi-active replication but there is a tradeoff as some of the execution. Also, in this case, whenever the backup fails, the latency is more as the time taken for recovery and reconfiguration when compared with semi-active replication. [ref 3] Passive Replication. The state information is stored in the form of checkpoints in a dedicated backup machine. When the backup fails, the Fault Tolerance Manager, commissions another machine to be the backup. The backup is updated by restoring the last saved checkpoint. The fault tolerance manager uses a priority based scheme while appointing new backups. 3.5 Job Migration. When a task fails in one of the machine, it can be transferred to another virtual machine. Sometimes, if a task in a job cannot be executed due computational and memory constraints, the task is given to another machine to execute. 3.6 Rescue Workflow. A cloud job consists of several small tasks. Upon failure of a task, this method continues the execution of the other tasks. The overall workflow is stopped only when the failure of the task impacts the entire job. [rescue workflow] 4. Comparative Summary of the Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies. Checkpointing: This technique effectively detects Application Failure. This technique is used when the application size or the task size is too big. Moreover, checkpointing provides efficient resource utilization. Retry: If the problem persists beyond multiple tries, this method is time inefficient. This is used to detect Host failure and Network failure. Task Resubmission: As the job is tried on the same or different resource, this technique is both time consuming and has more resource utilization. This detects Node Failure and Application Failure. Replication: This technique detects Node Failure and Process Failure. As the task is run on various machines, we see more resource utilization here. Job Migration: This technique detects Node and Process failures. This method is time efficient as the task which cannot be executed in a machine is transferred to another. Rescue-Workflow: This method detects Node failure and Application failure. This is a time-inefficient technique.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Colorof Water :: essays research papers

Before I read "The Color of Water," by James McBride, I saw his appearance on 20/20, discussing his quest to discover the background of his mysterious, marvelous mother. McBride said he didn't even know his mother's maiden name, much less about her Orthodox Jewish background, until he prodded it from her because he needed it for school records. "Shilsky," she told him, impatiently, offering no further details. McBride, who is now about 42 years old, said he asked no more questions of her, but added when he was "bonding" in Black Pride with his college friends, playing bongo drums and jazz music, he'd think: "Shilsky. Shilsky. Something's funny here...". Watching him on television, such a fascinating, articulate and yet entertaining man, made me want to know more about his amazing mother. I received a copy of the book as a gift. None of Ruth McBride's 12 children knew anything of substance about her background. When they asked what color she was, she would answer, "I am no color" and say that God is "the color of water." Ruth Shilsky, whose father was an abusive Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, treated her and her mother extremely cruelly when she was a young girl in Suffolk, Virginia. Jews were discriminated against second only to blacks. But Ruth fell in love with a young black man, became pregnant by him, and was sent to live with an aunt in New York city. She never went home again. She felt much more at home in 1940s Harlem, and fell in love with another black man, having a baby and living with him for more than a year before they were wed and had several more children. They made a good life together, but he died. Ruth later married yet another remarkable black man, having more children with him for a total of 12. James was in the middle, precocious, curious, bright and at risk for becoming a street kid. But he didn't have that much time. He didn't know why at the time, but his mother made him and his siblings attend a Jewish school out of their neighborhood, feeling that they would receive a better education there. As a young man, McBride started down the wrong path -- smoking dope, stealing, hanging out with bad company. But his stern mother seemed to intervene at the right time, delivering the fear and discipline McBride needed. All 12 of Ruth McBride's children received college degrees, masters degrees, and several became physicians, attorneys and scientists. McBride has been a journalist for some of the nation's most prestigious newspapers,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Explain the difference between rule

Explain the difference between rule, act and preference utilitarianism (25 marks) Utilitarianism is the ethical theory behind Justifying an action for being for the greater good. This is a teleological theory because it looks at the consequences of an action. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory. There are three types of utilitarianism: Act, Rule and Preference. Jeremy Bentham began the Utilitarianism theory. Utilitarianism is a hedonistic theory because it is based on pleasure and happiness. Each utilitarian has a different theory of Utilitarianism and this will be explained in my essay.First there was Jeremy Bentham the one to think of the Utilitarianism theory. Bentham was an act Utilitarian. Bentham was interested in the principle of utility, this is the theory of usefulness that suggests that an action is right if it brings the greatest happiness for the greatest number. He developed his ethical system based on ancient hedonism, which perused physical pleasure and avoided physical pain. Bentham believed that a moral act is one that maximises pleasure and minimises pain. From this Jeremy Bentham invented something called the ‘hedonic calculus' this was his way of measuring the good and bad of an action.Bentham said: the principle of utility aims to promote happiness, which is the supreme ethical value†¦ An act is right if it delivers more pleasure than pain and wrong if it brings about more pain than pleasure. ‘ To help people choose what would have the best possible consequence, Bentham provided a way of measuring it. This is the ‘hedonic calculus'. There are seven elements: the intensity of the pleasure; the duration of the pleasure; the certainty of the pleasure; the remoteness of the pleasure; the chance of succession of pleasures; the purity of the pleasure and lastly he extent of the pleasure.Bentham invented this to help people weigh up and measure how much pleasure an action will produce. Bentham was interested in the à ¢â‚¬Ëœgreatest good for the greatest number' and therefore his theory is quantitative. Bentham's view is described as Act Utilitarianism. Act Utilitarianism is Eudemonistic because actions are based on the happiness it brings; Consequentialist because the consequences an action will bring about and also Act Utilitarianism is measurable (by the hedonic calculus) and also quantitative because its based on the ‘greatest umber'.Act Utilitarianism is teleological because it aims to maximise the pleasure of the majority and has an end aim. Act Utilitarianism is also relative due to the fact that there is no notion of absolute right or wrong. On the other hand, Stuart Mill didn't agree with Bentham's Act Utilitarianism. Mill stressed that happiness was more important than pleasure. Mill said: ‘The Greatest promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness'. Here Mill is suggesting that happiness is the importance when looking at a moral action. Something that Mill also criticised about Bentham's view was the quantitative emphasis.Mill thought that actions should be measured in a qualitative way instead of quantitative way. Mill was interested in the quality of the pleasure. Mill looked at intellectual pleasures such as reading poetry and not pleasures such as eating or having sex. To add, Mill thought about the difference between animal pleasure and human pleasure. He said: ‘ It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied†¦ ‘ Furthermore, Mill suggested that in order to derive the principle of the greatest appiness for the greatest number we should have a principle of universality.Mill believed that we need moral rules to produce social order and Justice these rules should be followed universally. Mill was therefore seen as a Rule Utilitarian. Rule Utilitarianism is Consequentialist as is Act Utilitarianism; Rule Utilitarianism is Universalistic and also qualitative. Rule Utilitarianism is deont ological due to the fact that rules take priority. It is also relative because actions are based on the maximisation of pleasure for a particular society where the rules are used.Contrasting to Act and Rule Utilitarianism there is Preference Utilitarianism; this is the most recent form of Utilitarianism. R. M. Hare, Peter Singer and Richard Brandt all have different views though they are all Preference Utilitarianists. Preference Utilitarian's Judge moral actions according to whether they fit in with the preferences of the individuals involved. R. M Hare's approach argues that when making the decision on whether an action is right or wrong we must consider our own preferences and those of others. Hare said: ‘equal preferences count equally, whatever their content'.One problem is that sometimes people's preferences may clash therefore Hare suggested that we should ‘stand in someone else's shoes' and try to imagine what they would prefer. Hare thinks that people should tre at other with impartiality and he argues for universalisability. Peter Singer was also a Preference Utilitarian though he suggests that we should take the viewpoint of an impartial spectator. Singer said: ‘our own preferences cannot count any more than the preferences of others' and so, in acting morally, we should take account of all the people affected by our actions.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Issue with Issuing Laptops essays

The Issue with Issuing Laptops essays Supplying students across Cobb County with laptops is a bad idea. There is a lot of money going towards this leap in technology. There are some good things about them. Firstly, learning would become more interactive. Secondly, some students would make better grades. There would be more doors opened for learning. Students with problems in their shoulders and backs wouldnt kill themselves lugging books around all day. Now, think for a second about how much money is going towards this project. Now think about that kid who kicked a fifty dollar textbook down the hallway because he was to lazy to pick it up after he dropped it. Who is to say this wont happen to the laptops? What about when books fall off lunch tables? The laptops would be crushed. And the repair rates would be enormous. Remember the money Cobb is proposing to pay to buy them in the first place? Multiply that by two when the replacement and repairing comes into play. Cheating would reach an all time high in the classroom. It would be very easy for a student to sign onto the internet network and email friends answers to tests and share essay topics. That is partly why the students would receive better grades. They would have all the answers delivered to them by other students classrooms away or even a few desks away. It would be almost as bad as issuing each student a cell phone capable of taking pictures and texting across the building. It would be infinitely harder to judge class participation. Teachers would not be able to tell who was doing what unless he or she walked around the classroom to monitor every student individually. The internet connection would be horrible. The internet is a very useful tool in learning, but so many computers would be entering the system at the same time that the server would most likely overload. It would be virtually impossible to keep it running. The issue is that laptops can help, but they can also b...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

fragments essays

fragments essays FRAGMENTS Fragments, is an experimental performance that is not based on a specific plot or theme, so the building up to a major climax through out the performance was not very clear, however each scene had a minor climax. People who watched the performance would realize that it had a lot of tempo and rhythm. Tempo and rhythm were very clear in the performance, at times it was slow and at other times it was fast. Naji used a lot of ways to speed up the tempo. For instance there was no pauses in between scenes. There was always something happening on stage, the character Lina and her twin were always in between the scenes. They kind of linked one scene to another and in the same time they were adding a new impression, they added to the visual picturization of the stage at times, for instance when the actors where dancing between the audience they were dancing behind they wall in their boxes. In the performance their were a lot of scenes and each scene was consistent with a different tempo and rhythm. There was the twins scene, hands scene, aquarium scene, the metamorphisis scene, wolves, chains, bags, dream, and name scene. Speed varied at times from slow to fast and that was very effective in creating variety and sustaining the audiences attention. In the first 10 minutes of the performance, movement on stage was slow, the characters came out on stage with the same rhythm, they came out slowly and stood in their positions. The metamorphosis from fetus (weak body position) to wolf (strong body position) was also slow, and this can be considered as an external technique which affects climax. That slow beginning enabled the audience to adjust their eyes and concentration on what is happening on stage and it helped in capturing their full attention. In the wolves scenes the tempo and rhythm was in general very fast, although sudden changes of speed was used, like for ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketin Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketin Paper - Essay Example The example given is rational and very sound since the connection is mostly sought on an emotional level more than anything else. The marketing touch should be through feelings and emotions rather than on the financial side. This is true because marketing employs a number of significant associations with the heart and the mind which make it a very decisive proposition. â€Å"Marketing has been described in many different ways, shapes, and forms. Many who are involved with marketing describe it similar to the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.† I opine that this definition is more apt and cohesive from all sides. (Boone & Kurtz, 1998) This has looked at defining marketing as a complete 360 degree approach rather than sending messages between the company and the end consumers every now and then. The relation is thus more complete than is imagined by the earlier definitions provided for marketing. I believe that marketing employs a number of practices which are regarded as its sub-fields namely advertising, sales promotion activities, personal selling, public relations (or publicity) and direct mailing to name a few. With the passage of time, the definition of marketing has changed as it has included a pre-manufacture tilt to its basis with regards to a product and/or service. Selling gets differentiated from marketing in the fact that selling is only done when a product is made available on the shelf within a retail outlet while marketing starts even when there is an idea or concept of the related product and thus the whole game starts as a result of this hype within the relevant audiences. (Armstrong & Kotler,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Can international institutes prevent armed conflict between states Dissertation

Can international institutes prevent armed conflict between states Answer with reference to the theories of Neo-realism and Ne - Dissertation Example The objectives of all of them vary a great deal but they have one thing in common that is the will to strive for global or regional integration of resources in order to improve a particular region or a whole planet. The United Nations for instance is working to eliminate hunger, poverty and war from the face of Earth while South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation is working for economic growth of South Asian region. Recently major world population has initiated to consider international institutions as ineffective bodies that are not doing what they are supposed to do and due to this reason their trust upon them has significantly deteriorated over the past few years. All of the international and global institutions are working for achieving particular goals and objectives but what they lack is proper authority that is necessary for achieving their objectives. The global platforms are working in advisory capacity with all member nations and therefore the major decision power r esides with national governments. The national governments have the authority to dismantle all the operations and send the officials of so-called global platforms to their homes. In the light of above argument it can be established that United Nations along with other institutions cannot do much in terms of eliminating national conflicts among countries because it does not have the proper authority to do so. However international institutions have the power to arbitrate national conflicts while they cannot force the conflicting nations in the direction of a resolution. It is also important to note that global organizations are operating with the help of member nations and therefore financially and economically strong ones have a political influence over the decision making of them. Still global institutions have an authority to place economic and fiscal sanctions but they cannot influence internal politics and national issues of any country. Nevertheless the ability to place sanctio ns is used to enforce discipline on member nations that follow anticlockwise policies than those which are approved by international institutions. Ironically it is a historically proven fact that those countries such as Japan that had faced sanctions from the UN emerged as economic powers later. Thus the power of international institutions is limited to only advising national authorities on economical matters while the local administration is free to nullify their suggestions and recommendations. So the real power to demonstrate flexibility and eliminate national and political conflicts lies with individual governments and international platforms can facilitate the process of mitigation but cannot force member nations to resolve their issues. Interestingly the underlying problematic concepts that are causing national conflicts include racial and religious divides amongst nations whereas few of them are holding old and historical grudges dear and therefore they are willing to plunge their next generations into war in order to satisfy their psychological need of violence and bloodshed. If humanity wants to eliminate conflicts then firstly it has forego the outdated concept of nationalism and every individual must consider him or herself as the citizen of the globe. The need to embrace global citizenship is a crucial one due to the global nature of the challenges humans are facing nowadays such as global warming, recession and employment. The threat of global warming is so immense that in few centuries Earth may

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

New Forms of Work, Organisation and Career Sy2001 C Essay

New Forms of Work, Organisation and Career Sy2001 C - Essay Example â€Å"A virtual organization is a group of individuals whose members and resources may be dispersed geographically and institutionally, yet who function as coherent unit through the use of cyber infrastructure (CI)† (Beyond Being There p.3) This paper tends to discuss the multifaceted effects of virtual organizations in business, organizational structure, and career. Tremendous changes have been visible in the area of organizational management for the past few decades. Unlike traditional organizations, modern companies are able to store every valuable data in their specially designed software. This information system is highly integrated with the enterprise planning (ERP) of a company. Technological advancement has enabled business operators to focus more on the advantages of outsourcing. It enables them to reduce labor cost and time for the accomplishment of intended tasks. Coordinated resource/knowledge sharing is the main facet of virtual organization. Not only VOs but also many of the traditional organizations also take advantage of the broad information technology to strengthen the area of their service. Technology helps big organizations to collaborate and coordinate their resources and people from all around the globe. Computer and computer-based communication facilities are the inevitable requirement for virtual management. Cyber infrast ructure helps organizations to integrate the whole system and enable easy access to resources and information. According to the writers, â€Å"VOs enable system-level science, facilitate access to resources, enhance problem-solving processes, and are a key to national economic and scientific competitiveness.† (Beyond Being There p.5). Virtual Organizations primarily have document processors for storing organizational data. It ensures instant access to organization’s HR information. This is normally known as Human Resource Information System (HRIS) which is highly useful in HR

Monday, October 28, 2019

Illiegal Immigration Essay Example for Free

Illiegal Immigration Essay As time has passed and millions of immigrants have come to the country, the United States still maintains a welcoming attitude towards new immigrants. However, with such a vast amount of foreigners who desire access into the country, entry into the United States has become much more complex since the days of Ellis Island. As a result, this new century has with it a new kind of immigrant: the illegal immigrant. Desperate to become a part of the booming American culture, thousands of immigrants have begun to enter the United States illegally. Ignoring the laws set forth by the American government, these immigrants enter the country and unnoticeably merge themselves into the culture of the United States. With the influence of several factors such as large borders and unruly citizens who refuse to uphold the law, the government essentially allows these individuals to enter the country and actually cause some major damage. Ultimately, as the United States’ government is unable to fully enforce the policies of immigration, illegal immigration is further enhanced and permitted, thereby creating more problems within the United States’ framework that threatens the well being of the country and its people. In order to get the disadvantages that have developed as a result of illegal immigration, it is crucial to also understand the evolution of immigration policies throughout the history of the United States. Looking back in the time period of Ellis Island, there were only a handful of policies and restrictions in allowing immigrants into the country. The majority of immigrants in the late nineteenth century arrived in the country on boats. According to most information, the individuals who were denied entry to the United States and immediately sent back to their homeland were those who were seen as criminals, anarchists, or carriers of disease. These restrictions address one central purpose: to ensure the well being and protection of United States and its citizens. In essence, the goal to protect the country and its people has not changed and still lives on within the current policies. As in the late 1800s, almost any given foreigner has the ability to become a legal resident, or a citizen of the United States. However, the process by which a person can become a legal resident is much more complicated than it has been in years prior. In order to become a temporary or permanent resident of the United States, individuals must endure the long application process to receive a visa or green card. Any foreigner living within the United States who does not possess such a legal document is considered an illegal immigrant, and, by law, should be deported to their own country. Also, as the United States has no tolerance for illegal immigration, any individual found illegally crossing the borders is also immediately deported. With a much stricter system of entry and residency, many people argue that today’s government has developed a very efficient and proactive policy of immigration. While this policy is extremely strict on paper, one question arises: Is the government actually enforcing these policies? In order to answer this question, it is important to examine illegal immigration and its presence in the United States. Currently, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States stands at an estimated 12 million and rising. With such strict policies in place by the government, how so many undocumented immigrants can enter the country each year is unclear. Firstly, it is necessary to understand that there are two different types of illegal immigrants. There are immigrants who actually come to this country legally via visa or green card, but become illegal by over-staying their visas or green cards. The other type of illegal immigrant is an individual who simply illegally crosses the border and enters the country without contacting the United States’ government in any way. With the current laws and policies regarding immigration, it is fair to say that the government has a much better and easier time tracking and enforcing laws upon immigrants turned illegal, simply due to the fact that the government is aware of their presence in the country. However, the other type of illegal immigrant is more difficult to track because the government is ignorant of their presence in the country. While considering the presence of illegal immigrants within the United States, certain factors that inevitably undermine and inhibit the United States’ immigration policies begin to emerge. First, considered the third largest country in the world, the United States has many borders and areas of entry into the country. Considering its size and huge expansion of borders, the United States has an immense amount of areas that it needs to protect form illegal entry. Let’s be real, with such large borders, there is no way to fully protect and prevent illegal immigration entirely. Despite major improvements in border control, including armed patrolmen and high-reaching metal fences, the border is just too large, and many immigrants still enter the country illegally. In fact, according to Wayne Cornelius, the distinguished director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California at San Diego, out of the 1. 5 million immigrants who enter the country each year, 500,000 of them are undocumented. Due to the many illegal immigrants who unnoticeably cross the borders, the United States government is unable to enforce its immigration policies, such as distributing visas or deporting illegal immigrants, and is forced to permit these immigrants to live within the country.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mexican Lives by Judith Adler Hellman Essay -- Mexican Lives Judith Ad

Mexican Lives by Judith Adler Hellman   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The author of Mexican Lives, Judith Adler Hellman, grapples with the United States’ economic relationship with their neighbors to the south, Mexico. It also considers, through many interviews, the affairs of one nation. It is a work held to high esteem by many critics, who view this work as an essential part in truly understanding and capturing Mexico’s history. In Mexican Lives, Hellman presents us with a cast from all walks of life. This enables a reader to get more than one perspective, which tends to be bias. It also gives a more inclusive view of the nation of Mexico as a whole. Dealing with rebel activity, free trade, assassinations and their transition into the modern age, it justly captures a Mexico in its true light. All walks of life are presented, from prevailing businessmen of white-collar status, to those of the working class and labor industry, as well as individuals who deal in the black market of smuggling illegal immigrants across the border into the U.S. Hellman’s work explores the subject of Mexico’s economic situation in the 1990s. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) closely tied the United States and Mexico during this period, as well as similar policies such as GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) that were also created. These issues pertaining to economic policies between the two nations, Mexico and the United States are seen highlighted throughout her work. Hellman opens with three individuals at three different times. The reader is first introduced to Lupe Gonzalez at 3 A.M., whose story is a harsh reality for many. She lives in the vecindad of San Miguel Iztacalco where â€Å"eighteen families in eighteen single-room dwellings share a single water tap in the courtyard†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg.15) This is the daily life for many other Mexican families, as well as families from all over Latin America. She lives in a single room home with six children and her second husband. The reason for the set time is due to a schedule that each family must abide by, in order to obtain a simple necessity of life, water for their â€Å"drinking, bathing, cooking, and household cleaning.† (pg.15) With this the reader witnesses how there isn’t even enough water for all members of the community and city for constant usage. They share three beds for all eight family members and make considerably less then minimum... ...ople extort from others. It’s a way of life†¦ The NAFTA treaty isn’t meant to rescue people like us, it’s meant to help the rich" (pg. 157) Later, the reader learns that Maria was driven out of business by competators after NAFTA took effect. Mexican Lives is a rare piece of literature that accounts for the human struggle of an underdeveloped nation, which is kept impoverished in order to create wealth for that of another nation, the United States. The reader is shown that the act of globalization and inclusion in the world’s economies, more directly the United States, is not always beneficial to all parties involved. The data and interviews, which Hellman has put forth for her readers, contain some aspect of negativity that has impacted their lives by their nation’s choice to intertwine their economy with that of the United States. Therefore it can only be concluded that the entering into world markets, that of Mexico into the United States, does not always bring on positive outcomes. Thus, one sees that Mexico has become this wasteland of economic excrement; as a result it has become inherently reliant on the United States. Work Cited: Judith A. Hellman: Mexican Lives.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

There Were No Great Women Artists in the Renaissance

When we think of great renaissance artists the first names that would come to most peoples mind would be Leonardo Di Vinci or Michelago. When it is looked at into more depth it would then lead to Giorgio Vasari and the father of Italian renaissance Giotto Di Bondone. Even when you type into Google ‘Great renaissance artists‘ the first names that come up are Michelangelo, Raphael, Sandro Botticelli, Titian, Donatello, Masaccio, Filippo Brunelleschi and other great male artists. As these names are being stated it shows that there is a visible pattern that they are all males and it is rare to recognize a great female renaissance artist. This then leads to the statement â€Å"There were no great women artists in the Renaissance†. During the renaissance period, women artists weren’t recognised as much as male artists and had difficulties getting themselves in the art world. The renaissance was not a time where women artists were accepted and the education given to them were limited. Women during this time were expected get married and start a family and were unwanted in male dominated careers. In Giorgio Vasari’s, ‘The Lives of the Artist’ which is accounts of artists he knew personally and knew of. He included artists such as Masaccio, Michelangelo, Antonio Pollaiuolo and in fact most of the artists he included in ‘The Lives of the Artists’ are predominately all males and only four female artists are mentioned in the whole six parts of the books, the artists were Rossi, Sister Plautilla, Madonna Lucrezia, and Sofonisba Anguissola. This correlates back to the statement â€Å"There were no great women artists in the Renaissance† as this could be evidence that through Vasari’s eyes women artists just weren’t as good as the male artists or it could just be the fact that the female artists didn’t have as much exposure as the males. To reference Linda Nochlin’s, ‘Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? ’ there is a quote that says, â€Å"There are no great women artists because women are incapable of greatness† which was what most people would have believed during the renaissance period. It also stated that there is a difference between the â€Å"greatness† of women’s art in comparison to the men’s. As there is a different style in the women’s art to the males. Nochlin states that women’s art has a more distinctive and recognizable femininity and it differs from the male’s artworks by both its formal and expressive qualities on the different situation and experience that they have been through. The different style between the women’s artwork to the males could have affected how the audience viewed the women’s work as the audience could have had a different idea of what art was since it art was such a male dominated area. Frances Borzello, â€Å"A World of Our Own; Women as Artists† tells us that women went through a lot of struggle to compete with the male artists. It says that women had to fight for basic training and a chance to practice their art making. For a women to make it as an artist during this time they had get themselves trained to a professional standard, then to practise and be accepted. To go through these steps came with difficulty as women were sometimes excluded from training programmes of apprenticeship and academy or apprenticeships had to be paid for and in those times it was rare to see a parent pay for the education for their daughter as mentioned before, they were expected to marry and have kids. This would have affected the amount of female artists there could have been as they were often deprived of the education and training needed to start the beginning of becoming a great artist. Although being a female artist during the renaissance period was extremely hard. Some women were very fortunate to be a daughter of an artist, which granted them the training and publicity from their fathers that could lead them to making a living as an artist. Some female artists that had an artist as a father that guided them were Caterina van Hemessen and Sofonisba Anguissola. In conclusion, the statement â€Å"There were no great women artists in the Renaissance† could be answered differently varying the person, as that is what is great about art. That everyone has their own opinions and perceptions of how they view ‘great’ art. Although, renaissance women artists aren’t as widely known as the male artists and had many disadvantages of becoming a successful artist they still existed during the renaissance. Bibliography: 11/7/13 11/7/13 13/7/13 13/7/13

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bus210 Appendix G

Appendix G Week 2. Checkpoint Business Organizations Resources:| Resource: Ch. 2 of Introduction to Business| Task: | Write a 200- to 300-word description of a business scenario, either real or fictional, that depicts each of the following forms of business organization:| Joint Stock Company| As a Joint Stock Company I have Chosen The British East India Company. It was granted a royal charter in 1600 with the intention of securing trade with India for England by Elizabeth I. A Joint Stock company has two or more individuals own all the shares of a company. Shares of stock are given in return for each financial contribution and the shareholders are free to transfer their ownership at any time by selling their shares to other share holders. These are known as private companies and the shares are not open to public sale or trading. Any corporate losses have to be paid by the shareholders so there is unlimited liability. Encyclopedia Britannica)| Limited Liability Company| Basically a limited liability corporation means if the company goes belly up, the wealth, and possessions of the owners cannot be taken to repay any debts of the business, only assets in the name of the business can be used to pay off the debt. To my amazement I found that McDonalds is a Limited Liability Corporation. (McDonalds, LLC Corporate home)| Partnership| A partnership is just as it sounds two, or more, people own a business equally. They share all responsibility for the business between them. An example of a Partnership could be the original Johnson and Johnson Company. Now it is a LLC and sells stock, but originally it was a very small company started by 3 brothers in 1886 making surgical dressings. When originally started this was a partnership. (Johnson &Johnson )| Sole Proprietorship| A sole proprietorship is a one man show. Owned, operated, and responsible for all debts by one person. This does not mean they might not have employees, but all the operations of the business are the responsibility of the owner. A good example of this that we might know of is The Dallas Cowboys. Jerry Jones owns the stadium, the team, and the contracts with the players, and all the rights to the team and the name including the cheerleaders’ name. (NFL 2011)| National Football League Dallas Cowboys. com Johnson and Johnson Corporation McDonalds USA Encyclopedia Britannica inc. copyright 2011

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Defense of Slavery essays

The Defense of Slavery essays Slavery is an important thing in this time. From North to South slavery is the key factor that makes our place in this world. Is slavery is a crucial thing that holds our economy or even our very own government together? First, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "If you put a chain around the neck of a slave, the other fastens itself around your own." In saying so Emerson looks at the very nature of bondage. By owning slaves one become a slave. Too take away anothers freedom is to take away your own freedom on many levels. By the bondage of the plantation owners fate laying in the hands of the working slaves, he also becomes a slave to the fact if they work or not. If you take away the slaves from the plantation owner he goes bankrupt and the textile mills in the north go bankrupt and so on, hurting our economy. Secondly, If the black race must exist among us deprived of social equality, political rights, and, largely, of industrial opportunity, have the former slaves become freemen or have they passed into a new form of servitude? These slaves becoming freemen would just put more out of work employees in to our country bringing and economic down fall of massive proportions. Next, slavery is a cornerstone for our country. For example take Rome, Greece, and other countries were the most powerful countries in the world, and they used slavery. If those countries could have become so great by slavery, just think of how great we could become by the continued use of it. Next, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney stated I am . . . thoroughly convinced . . . that the nature of our climate, and the flat, swampy situation of our country, obliges us to cultivate our lands with Negroes, and that without them South Carolina would soon be desert waste. By this he clearly states that without slavery a whole state and maybe many more wouldnt be what they are today. Finally, it is to late to change now. By the emancip...

Monday, October 21, 2019

a va - Informal How Are You in French

a va - Informal How Are You in French Now that we have studied  the formal ways of saying how are you in French, lets look at the informal ways. a va - How are you / how is it going? The Magical French word!   Ãƒâ€¡a va (pronounced sa va, since the cedilla makes the C pronounced as an S) is truly the magical word of the French language. Why? Because it never changes. You can use a va to ask how are you to one person: Ça va Camille ?Oui, à §a va bien, merci. Et toi ? Whether you are using tu or vous doesnt matter: Ça va madame Chevalier ?Oui, à §a va bien, merci. Et vous ? You can use a vato ask how are you to several people: Ça va bien vous deux ? (How are you both?)Ça va, à §a va, merci. Et toi ? (Fine, fine, and you?) You can even use a va to talk about other people: Et vos enfants, à §a va ? (and your kids, are they OK?)Oui, à §a va bien, merci. Not just people, you can usea va foreverything really! Votre travail, à §a va ? (how is your work?)La santà © de votre mà ¨re, à §a va ? (how is your mothers health?) How cool is that a va - Informal but very common French for how are you Granted,  Ãƒ §a va is not the most formal French. But its so practical that its been used a lot in French lately, and has really made its way in almost all situations: among friends and family, of course, but also at the office, with acquaintances... Its only in the most formal of situations that it may not be appropriate. I wouldnt say to the Queen of England bonjour Votre Majestà ©, à §a va ?...   Ok, now that weve seen how to say  how are you in formal French, and learned about à §a va, lets see how you answer how are you subtlely in French. I post exclusive mini lessons, tips, pictures and more daily on my Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages - so press the links below - talk to you there!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

13 Kick-Ass Tips for Writing Fantasy Fiction

13 Kick-Ass Tips for Writing Fantasy Fiction 13 Kick-Ass Tips For Writing Fantasy From Professional Fantasy Editors Has there ever been a better time to be writing fantasy? Where once it was a fringe genre, now fantasy is everywhere in pop culture, from Harry Potter to the memes surrounding Jon Snow.There’s also never been a more exciting time to write fantasy. The genre is changing daily, as authors such as Neil Gaiman, Susanna Clarke, and Patrick Rothfuss continue to interpret, subvert, and stretch it to attain new pinnacles. What’s more, the public can't seem to get enough of it, proving that there is a market for fantasy - and it’s a big one.So, if you’re an author, where can you find a place for yourself in today’s talent-rich terrain?In our search for the finest writing tips in the realm, we spoke to seven of the top fantasy editors on our marketplace. They’ve worked with George R.R. Martin, James Dashner, Brandon Sanderson, and many more of the brilliant authors who are re-defining the genre. Here’s what they said.1. Identify your marketIf y ou don’t know your market, you’ve already made a mistake, says Erin Young, an agent for Dystel Goderich Bourret, which represents authors such as James Dashner of Maze Runner fame.â€Å"Oh, my market is fantasy,† you might say, waving your monthly subscription of Imagination And Me. But is your story steampunk, urban, or grimdark fantasy? Is it for children or  young adults? Are there elves or tech? Is it set in the modern world, or is it a re-imagining of an alternate past? Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, for instance, doesn’t target Discworld’s readers, and no-one would instinctively group Harry Potter and Stephen King's The Dark Tower in the same category. Castle Ruins, art by Jeff Brown.â€Å"You’re absorbing ideas. You're absorbing grammar. You're absorbing sentence structure and rhythm and prose,† she says. â€Å"Read books with description or dialogue you admire. Read the books that are classics- they are classics for a reason- and read the books that are bestsellers and read the books that are award winners. Read and read and read, and you'll start to see your own writing improve.†To take specific action, Nieveen suggests picking the 10 books that you most admire. Then, it's just a matter of re-reading them and noting strengths in their plot, dialogue, characters, and scene structure.  Learn from the best - and then go forth and tilt the arena again yourself.What are your tips for writing fantasy? Leave them in the comments below. You can also check out our list of the 100 best fantasy series ever  for inspiration!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diffusion and Osmosis - Lab Report Example One particular example is the absorption of water and other nutrients from the soil by root hairs in plants. The following experiments demonstrate these basic concepts in action, and how distribution of substances in two regions with different concenration gradients occurs. In order to determine osmolarity of a potato and how it is effected by the process of diffusion, a simple experiment is performed. 7 cylindars are carved out from a potato, and then cut to a uniform size of 5 cm. One very important aspect of this experiment are the 6 sucrose solutions, ranging from 0.1 to 0.6 molars, 100 ml each, and placed separately in 6 250-ml beakers together with 100 ml of distilled water. A sensitive balance is also necessary to accurately determine the weight of each potato piece, before and after incubation. Another experiment is performed to determine the process of osmosis. For this experiment a 500 ml beaker is used which is filled with 300 ml of water. A 25-30 cm dialysis tubing bag is essential, since it represents the semi-permiable membrane that is present during osmosis. 4 ml of a 30% glucose and starch (placed in the dialysis bag) and a small amount I2KI represent diffusing substances. Benedict's reagent is also necessary to determine the diffusion pattern of the substances involved. The carved out and cut pota... All the pieces are incubated for 45 minutes, and then their weights are measured and recorded. The percentage change in weight for each of the pieces is also calculated and recorded using the following formula: Percentage change in weigh= weight change/initial weight * 100 In the second experiment is prepared by soaking it in water, closing one end with a rubber band or string as not to let any solution to enter into the bag, and by adding a 4 ml of a 30% glucose solution into the bag. A 4 ml starch solution is also added, and the color of the glucose-starch solution is recorded. Then, 300 ml of distiled water is placed in a 500 ml beaker in which a small amount of I2KI is added. The color of this solution is also recoded. The dialysis bag is placed in the beaker and they are left for 45 minutes. It should be noted that the free end of the bag is not in contact with the solution of the beaker, as it is left lying out of the beaker. The color of both solutions (in the dialysis bag and beaker) are recorded, after which 3 ml samples are taken from each solution, as well as a sample of distilled water, representing the control tube. Placed in 3 different tubes, a small amount of Benedict's reagent is added to each tube. The final colors are then recorded. - Results Using the data collected from the first experiment, a graph can be plotted (Table 1). The y axis represents the osmolarities of the sucrose solutions, representing the independent variable while the x axis represents the weight of the potato pieces after incubation, represents the dependent variables, with the negative value being a decrease in potato piece weight, and vise